Because of security reasons and peaceful running of the festival, we decided to set certain rules. Every visitor of the festival should behave according to these rules. In case of their violation we will have take the person responsible for their violation out of the festival and deny entry again. In this case any claims to return the entry fee won't be taken into consideration.


  1. It is forbidden to drink or keep any alkoholic drinks within the premises of the festival
  2. It is forbidden to keep or use any toxic material and drugs.
  3. It is forbidden to smoke within inner the premises of the festival.
  4. The visitors have to wear the ticket on their hand in a vissible way. Tickets must not be torn away, such a ticket is invalid and you won't get a new one.
  5. It is forbidden to sit on the floor in the toilet, chat or eat.
  6. Visitors have to throw litter into the bin! They musn't throw litter on the floor.
  7. In case of polluting the premises of the festival, the person resposible for this must clean it up.
  8. It is forbidden to use electric devices within the premises of the festival.
  9. It is forbidden to steal or destroy things that belong to someone else.
  10. Visitors have to follow the orders of the organisers.
  11. Visitors have to behave without any act of rude behaviour and violence.
  12. It is forbidden to run within the premises.
  13. It is only allowed to sleep within rooms kept for sleeping.
  14. From 22:00 until 07:00 it is necessary to keep night silence.
  15. Posters of ani advertisements may be posted in places reserved for this after the approval from the main organiser.
  16. Any form of weapons is forbidden within the premises of the festival, in case of models for cosplays, these weapons have to be registered at the infobooth.
  17. The models of weapons for cosplaying have to be used in such way, which won't hurt anyone. These weapons have to registered at the infobooth right after the entry.
  18. It is allowed to take photos and record videos at the festival only, if they will be submitted also to the organisers of the festival for use on the official website and and facebook. Please be son kind and send us the photos and videos to and

Organisers reserve their right to change these rules or add new ones.

Tips, tricks and advice:

  1. Behave according to the rules!
  2. All information about the fesival are on the website, program magazine or at the Info Booth
  3. Don't touch and don't do anything with the machines belonging to the festival.
  4. If you break or destroy anything, please let us know! We won't hurt you.
  5. Be kind to others and respect their existence.
  6. Please take all valuables with you and keep good eye on them. We don't take any responsibility for their loss.
  7. Organisers and lecturers are also humans and aren't perfect. So please have som patience please!
  8. Eat! We really mean it! Don't play with your health when you are exhausted.
  9. From time to time have a look at IPA (Information PAnels), all important news, information and changes will be there.
  10. Rooms, workshops, lectures and games have their maximum limit of visitors, so who comes first has better chance to get there.
  11. Never, NEVER dring Tuareg tea after 2:00 am, you will be awake until 6:30 and have too much energy.
  12. We ask visitors to visit the toilets and showers according to their biological gender.
  13. Sleap at least 8 hours a day. Otherwise after 3 days you will be really exhausted and look like zombies.
  14. The book of wishes, comments, propousals and complaints will be at the Info Booth.
  15. Visitors aren't animals, so they may enter the festival..

Frequently asked questions

1. What is AnimeSHOW?

AnimeSHOW is an international festival about anime, manga, games and Japanese culture and KPOP + Scifi & Fantasy

2. What is GAME EXPO?

GAME EXPO is an international exposition of computer games, card games and board games.

3. What is IstroCON?

IstroCON is an international festival about sci-fi, fantasy, horror and card & board games.

4. What is Comics SALON?

Comics SALON is an international festival about comics, manga, anime, games and Japanese culture.

5. What is comics?

Comics is a sequence of the pictures that gives the sense, some idea or a story. We distinguish between European comics, American comics and Japanese comics (manga). There are also the different movements within, such as mainstream, underground, artistic etc. All of the aforementioned are comics.

Many people are mistaken and consider only the drawn stories about familiar American super-heroes to be comics.

Comics are all the cartoon stories regardless of difference in genre, drawing style or country of origin.

6. What is manga?

Manga is a Japanese term for comics. It is a sub-group of comics, a comics in its own right.

7. What is anime?

Anime is an animated movie based on comics.

8. How can I buy a ticket?

Please visit our section TICKETS in our menu.

9. Will it be possible to buy a ticket on the spot?

Yes, it will.

10. How can I order an accomodation?

Please visit our section ACCOMODATION in our menu.

11. How does the pre-order process work?

Please visit our section TICKETS and ACCOMODATION in our menu.

12. Why can't I take a dog or another pet to the event?

Considering the amount of visitors, pets are a potential threat to other people and their health.

13. Who do I have to talk with to ask something about the event?

The best way is to contact us through our FaceBook site.

14. Where is the program?

There is an PROGRAM section in the left menu. Click on that icon and you’ll discover an Excel sheet with the program, if it has been released already.

15. Why does your event even exist and what is its goal?

AnimeSHOW wishes to spread and popularize the so called pop-culture of comics, anime, manga, games and Japanese culture. It wants also to dispose of prejudice and intolerance within the general populace and to introduce it to this kind of culture. One of the main goals is the support of Slovak authors and the publicity of their artworks.

16. What does AS have to do with CS and Istrocon?

It is the member of the family IC and CS. It focuses mainly on the goals of CS and is here to make the waiting for next CS and IC more pleasant.

17. Why do the organisers even do these events?

Most likely, they are crazy enough to do this work for free for others in order to amuse them and to help the authors and artists in Slovakia.

18. What do I have to do to cooperate with you?

The best way is to contact us through our FaceBook site.

19. How will I know where which room is?

Please look at the map which is part of the CMGAZINE you got at the entrance or look at our website.

20. When are the game tournaments played?

As specified in the program, right after the registration is finished. Some tournaments are held as bonus on the spot and are not part of the program.

21. What are the prizes for the competitions?

Nice and valuable, for sure. Our partners bring the prizes to the event and we don't know them in advance

22. Where is the map of the festival?

You receive it in the program CMAGAZINE at the entrance, also it is on our website.

23. Are there any additional floors on the festival?

Yes, there are two floors. Look at the map that you got in the CMAGAZINE

24. What will happen if I buy a ticket using pre-order?

Please visit our section TICKETS in our menu.
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